<script>on mouseUpset lockScreen to truehide mepop cardset lockScreen to falseend mouseUp</script>
<text>1 of 2</text>
<text>Dennis White78-255 Cabrillo Lane #124Indian Wells, CA 92210</text>
<text><span class="style2">ome - (619)360-0431Work - (619)346-8562Fax - (619)340-2435AOL - DennisW18CompuServe - 70743,212Prodigy - MPDX20A</span><span class="style5">PERSONAL NOTES:</span><span class="style2">Single, No ChildrenLive-in-friend: </span><span class="style3">Dolores</span><span class="style2">Works as an </span><span class="style4">Electrical Construction Estimator</span><span class="style2">Comment on his </span><span class="style3">parrot</span><span class="style2"> when you call.</span></text>
<text>Monday, October 21, 1991 - Sent fax at 7:30 PM: ----------------- Monday, October 21, 1991 - Sent letter at 7:30 PM: ----------------- Monday, October 21, 1991 - Called Home - (619)360-0431 at 7:30 PM: ----------------- Sunday, October 20, 1991 - 8:54 AM: Was inspired by TouchBASE® & INTouch® and started to make this stack.</text>
<text><span class="style6"> (Click on this field to hide it.)I was inspired by the Demos of TouchBASE® and InTouch® that I downloaded from AOL to make this stack. I thought it would be neat to have something like what their programs did linked to my To Do List , Appointments & Month Calendar. InContact is more than just an address stack it also tracks calls, faxes, letters & other comments for each contact.Things to watch out for while using this stack:DIAL - You must select a phone number then click the DIAL button. You can select the whole line like: "Home - (619)346-8562"and the phone dialer will only dial the numbers but everything selected will be stamped in the contact log.FIND - This a modified script from the Appointments stack that came with Hypercard. </span><span class="style7">I like the way it works, return key is find again.</span><span class="style6">SORT - Sort by Company sorts by first word of line 1 of the Name & Mailing Address field. Sort by Last Name sorts by the last word on line 2 of the Name & Mailing Address field.</span><span class="style7">If you enter your information in a different way you better change this.</span><span class="style6">BEGIN - Uses the contact information to start either a Letter or Fax Cover Sheet and stamps the contact log accordingly. </span><span class="style7">Links only to other stacks of mine for now, but you can modify to suit you.</span><span class="style6">PRINT - Print This Card hides all buttons and only prints the information showing. Print Report works but is weak. </span><span class="style7">I’m hoping that a Report Printing genius downloads this stack and shows everyone what can be done.</span><span class="style6">HELP - I don’t really know where to put a help field in this stack so if you delete my card you delete this help field too.I upload this stack with the hopes that people make it better and in turn upload their improved stacks for everyone to see. This stack works good now. With a better grasp of Hypertalk than I have I think this stack could be as useful as the 2 commercial products that inspired it.You can reach me at: DennisW18</span></text>